Why is this website here?

Thanks for visiting. I hope you find information here that helps in some way. Whether to encourage your build, or answer your questions that you have for your build.

I should have been documenting my build all along the way with posts, updates and even videos. Truth is, I thought I was just going to swap a motor in to replace the worn out original 4.4L since this is not a show-car, but a daily driver.  When I got started and the deeper I got into it, it became much more.  I figured, since I had it apart, I may as well clean it up a bit as I would not have a chance to do it later. Cleaning turned into disassembling and cleaning, then to painting parts, nuts and bolts, etc. Then I started replacing parts. “If I’m doing this, then I may as well do that”… Soon most of the mechanical items on the chassis and much of the body were either new or cleaned, repaired, painted. I did quite a bit of work on the interior and some minor rust repair also, but the majority of work was the engine/trans and bay.

I have wanted a wagon for some time. While I was most interested in a mid-eighties Ford LTD (Fox body) wagon or similar Fairmont wagon, or even a 60’s full-size GM A-Body wagon.  I have always like the Gbodies. I purchased a new 1985 Cutlass Supreme Brougham and owned it for many years, so I was quite familiar with the Gbody platform.

I finally had the chance and I found this wagon in it’s home state of New Jersey. The price was right and condition was good, but mechanically needed some work. None-the-less, my son and I flew to NJ and drove the car back 12 hours to Kentucky. After I started the work on the car a few months later, I realized how blessed we were to have made it back alive. From bad/rusty brake and fuel lines to fuel leaks to exhaust leaks, mis-adjusted TV cable, we had it and so much more.

The collection of photos here are mostly what I took for reference for myself.  I have since added a “description” to many photos that will help explain to viewers what I was doing or what was planned as I went along.

I have some separate albums for certain parts of the build. You may find some of the same photos included in each. Please note that you can click on the pics for a larger view, but must use your browser “Back” button to return to the page to continue.

PLEASE feel free to share this page or photos (with links back to my page) to your favorite social media groups/friends.

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