Project Gallery

5.3L LS swap and overall restoration – Reference photos with descriptions
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6 Replies to “Project Gallery”

  1. What type of ac condenser did you use ? I see that your lines are on the passenger side of vehicle . Also what did you use for the intake fitting for your power brakes ?

    1. I used the Gbody Cutlass Condenser for AC to keep the install cleaner. It has connections on passenger-side whereas Malibu has driver-side connections. Intake fitting for power brakes? Everything on the brakes, from booster to lines to calipers/wheel cylinders are all OEM replacement. Hard lines and proportioning valve are from

    1. The TV cable was oem, but I broke the housing and replaced it with an adjustable cable. The bracket was custom fabbed and the connector arm was custom fabbed. There’s a bit if information about how I did this in the write-up. See the menu for the URL.

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