Stand Alone Engine Wiring Harness

I didn’t document my OEM to standalone conversion in detail as this has been covered numerous times on the www.  I do have a few photos with some explanation you will find.

As for the electrical wiring harness and modifications to it to create a “standalone” harness, the best reference you will find is found at  Brendan has compiled the most comprehensive and accurate collection of information found in any one place.

Another resource that I found invaluable was  the Youtube channel of UCanDoIt2.  He takes the info found at and simplifies it in his documentation videos of his “Project Rowdy – Jeep Restoration” project. He also supplies some wiring diagrams that are easy to understand.  These diagrams are what inspired my diagrams I have posted here.

Brendan has posted his videos on Youtube also and they are quite good and helpful.

I encourage you to read through the info at several times.  Take notes if that helps you.

This is my standalone fuse/relay block diagram as I currently have:

My standalone fuse/relay block diagram. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.



This is the diagram for the connector from wiring harness to dash/gauge cluster.  For this I used a good quality Ebay special 12-pin waterproof connector:

My connector from wiring harness to dash/gauge cluster. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.


Completed fuse/relay box ready for install.

Click here for Project Electrical Wiring photos.  Including standalone harness and body electrical.

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