5.3L L59 (LS) swap and partial restoration – Reference photos with descriptions
Gbody Electrical
Not much to be said here as I only slightly modified the factory body wiring. I made some wiring changes and tapped into factory wiring for gauges and remote starter. I removed a few wires that were not needed for under the hood in my conversion.
A very important resource for factory A and G body wiring is at Maliburacing.com
Note: In GMs, all Pink wires are ignition hot. Orange wires are battery-fused. Red wires are battery-no fuse (or maybe a fusible link, depends upon location and service).
Instrument panel connection C183 is the connector that attaches to the printed circuit on the back of gauge panel.
C183 connector for sweep dash cluster. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
The connection at firewall is the C100 connector.
Firewall C100 connector diagram. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
Electrical wiring photos include standalone harness and body electrical – Reference photos with descriptions
…arranged newest to oldest…
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AC wiring reference for FB discussion...
AC wiring reference for FB discussion...
remote start. Compustar CS800-S
remote start. Compustar CS800-S
new brake/TCC switch replaces old brake only switch. I ended up choosing not to run the lock-up converter, but left the wiring as is.
reference for connections for add-ons such as door locks, windows, remote start, etc.
AC compressor power connection with damaged connector.
preparing wires and plug for instrument panel
fuel lines and wiring thru firewall loomed up
ebay special ODB2
previously unknown disconnected heavy gauge wire under dash... for rear window defroster which I do not have...
previously unknown disconnected heavy gauge wire under dash... for rear window defroster which I do not have...
heater box back together and wiring cleaned up...
heater box back together and wiring cleaned up...
heater box back together and wiring cleaned up...
Knock sensor wiring harness rebuilt and installed. Why buy new when you can make your own?...
knock sensor wiring harness repair...
knock sensor wiring harness repair...
I put a short loop in the nylon fuel lines for stress relief and so I can attach the lines to sender with tank on ground.
splicing starter wire... because...
adding wiring for 3-wire temp sender. Added wiring was for gauge. I went a different route with this and kept the original 2-wire sender.
mess of original Gbody under hood wiring needs cleaned up next.
mess of original Gbody under hood wiring needs cleaned up next.
Carefully labeled every wire. But did not take close enough reference photos...
Carefully labeled every wire. But did not take close enough reference photos...
Carefully labeled every wire. But did not take close enough reference photos...
Carefully labeled every wire. But did not take close enough reference photos...
Carefully labeled every wire. But did not take close enough reference photos...
Carefully labeled every wire. But did not take close enough reference photos...
A few wires on wiper connections need repair.
700R4 lock-up wiring as I received it.
700R4 lock-up wiring as I received it.
dangled disconnected AC wiring
seemed like an overwhelming task in this engine bay.
doghouse was coming off, so I knew I had better take plenty of reference photos before I started disconnecting...
doghouse was coming off, so I knew I had better take plenty of reference photos before I started disconnecting...
measuring fuse/relay block to find a suitable cover.
measuring fuse/relay block to find a suitable cover.
Found a fuse/relay cover. F-body.
placing the pcm...
About to wrap up the stand-alone harness. Literally. Used cloth loom tape to wrap most of harness to keep it neat for looming.
This is the layout I went with. Decided later that I will use a different fuse/relay block next time. This will be under hood so I will have to protect it from water.
Wired, carefully double and triple checked, tested. ready to wrap and loom.
just a couple main battery power wires to add.
adding terminals for waterproof plug to dash.
Lots of great online resources made the stand-alone harness a breeze.
Found some great online resources to tie the stand-alone into the Gbody wiring where needed.
researching where to mount the pcm...
researching where to mount the pcm...
researching where to mount the pcm...
fuse/relay block design starts.
fuse/relay block design starts.
fuse/relay block design starts.
Chrysler Concorde dual variable speed fan.
Drive-by-wire... removed...
lots of research before dining head first into this wiring harness.
removed... unnecessary sensors, etc.
more labeling. can't have too much information. Once it's apart, it will NOT look the same.
Start of stand alone harness. label, label, label...
Start of stand alone harness.
drive-by-wire reference
TPS and IAC donor.
score... $80
complete harness. Blue/green tells me what year/generation